宇宙循環的一刻 – 釋迦摩尼佛,1991年威薩克慶典(TSL)

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Vol. 34  No. 24
Beloved Gautama Buddha
June 16, 1991

34 24

The Messenger Stumps San Francisco


“A Moment in Cosmic Cycles"

Wesak Address 1991

Children of the Divine Mother, I receive you from the rim of the Pacific, even the lands of the fire rim and the ancient Motherland.

I place before you at inner levels the golden ages of ancient, ancient Lemuria when you knew the cradling of the Divine Mother and did not have schism in the psyche or burden in the soul for the longing for the Divine Mother.

Long has she been removed, yet come again she does in this hour of Aquarius turning.  And her presence is to still the crying babe and the soul that weeps within, feeling abandoned by the Blessed One.
她已被迫離去許久,但在這水瓶世紀轉動的時刻,她再次到來。而她的來臨是為了安撫那些哭泣的嬰兒,那些在內心哭泣、覺得被神聖母親(the Blessed One)拋棄的靈魂。

Yet, beloved, those who are without earthly or heavenly mother in their own worldview are also those who have left off the serving of the Mother in her temples of Lemuria, who have left off the keeping of her flame.

Long, long has the night been when the children of earth have sought and sought again for the blessed Mother of cosmos.  Now then, know her presence as she draws nigh and therefore know healing of body and soul.
地球上的孩子們已經在漫長的黑夜裡一次又一次地尋找蒙福的宇宙之母(the blessed Mother of cosmos)。現在,當她緩步靠近時體驗她的臨在,並體驗身體與靈魂上的治癒。

Truly, the drawing up of the Light of the Mother, as you have done,[Footnote 0: ] is the beginning of the mastery of her Light * and the return to her heart.  May you feel the presence of Alpha and Omega, for it is also the hour to receive the Mother.
Many children of earth are angry against the Mother, for she has been away so long.  Yet, not her choice but the choice of earth’s evolutions has resulted in this schism.
千身萬確地,吸取母親之光,如同你曾做過的,是掌握她的光*以及回到她心中的開始。願你感受到父神與母神(Alpha and Omega)的臨在,因為這也是迎接母親的時刻。

* her God consciousness, or her Self-conscious awareness in and as God
* 她的神性意識,或她在神之中或身為神的自我意識覺知

I say this day, this hour of Wesak, make your peace with the Mother, with the mother who has borne you in this life, with mothers of previous lifetimes, good and bad.  Come to the heart of Mother Mary and Kuan Yin.  Come to the heart, beloved, and be healed.

If you desire to punish the Mother for your sense of abandonment, look in the mirror of self and see how you have walked away from her and kept walking because you could not sustain her chastening love that would infire you, that would place you in God’s kiln and make you a permanent part of his being.

Prepare for the firing, beloved, for without the firing there is no permanence to the clay.  Without the chastening love there is not the ability of the soul to meet the trial by fire, fire for fire.

Welcome, then, the mitigating violet flame that caresses you as mercy and compassion and transmutation!  Be so absorbed in this flame that all things dissolve and there is no more memory and no more night and no more tears and no more burdens or death or dying, for all of this disappears in the sunlight of the smile of the Cosmic Virgin.
那麼,歡迎和緩的紫色火焰,輕撫著你如同仁慈、憐憫及轉化。完全沉浸在這個火焰中,讓所有事物消融,再也沒有記憶、再也沒有黑夜、再也沒有淚水、再也沒有負擔或死亡或垂死,因為所有這些都在宇宙處子(Cosmic Virgin)微笑的陽光中消失。

Yes, beloved, I am Gautama, devotee of the Divine Mother, servant of the living Christ, sponsor of many sons of God.  I call my own.  I call those who call themselves Buddhists but have allowed the flame of Buddha to go out.

What is Buddhism except the igniting of the internal being of God?  Not a name or a mantra or a ritual or an ancient teaching dried up can convey to you the living Buddha.
除去點燃內在神性存有(internal being of God)之外佛教還剩下什麼?沒有任何一個稱號或咒語或儀式或乾涸的古老教導可以將活佛(living Buddha)傳遞給你。

Let the buddhi of the being, even the seed atom, even the spirit of the individual know my infiring; for I come to complement the action of the Lord Christ Jesus [in his dictation] that I might make you one in the balance of the Inner Christ and the Inner Buddha.

Therefore, in this hour of the sun of Taurus, the moon of Scorpio, there is an opening for the Ruby Ray to descend, there is an opening for the All-Seeing Eye.
因此,在這金牛之日、天蠍之月的時刻,開啟了一條通道讓紅寶石之光降下,開了一個空隙讓全視之眼(All-Seeing Eye)照見。

May you understand how mantras capture universal forces that come from God, that cycle into being by mantra, by chakra, by sound–that sound that does draw forth from the highest octave a response of angels and bodhisattvas gathering, waiting, that you might seek acquaintance with them and know your true path.

I am Gautama.  I survey the world as Helios does survey it.  I have seen infamy upon infamy poured out upon the children of earth since Wesak last.  I have seen the betrayers of the children of the Light stand by while they have been slaughtered and massacred and bombed with devices out of hell itself.

Yes, beloved, but the greater tragedy is the absence of outcry of the people of the whole world to challenge the leadership of this nation that does allow the massacre of peoples, the people of God nation by nation.

I stand with Saint Germain!  I stand with all hosts of heaven!  We are of one mind and one voice.  And we say to you, call upon the Lord for the judgment of the oppressors of the people of God in the earth and do not stand for it another moment that you do not cry out for them to be bound by the legions of Archangels and their hosts.

These things ought not to be!  And if there be shame upon the sons and daughters of God, that shame is a shame of silence.

Yes, beloved, let your voice be heard!  And if you have no other place for that voice to be heard, then let it be heard in heaven.

Let us know and let us hear you cry out daily for Divine Justice in the earth!  For Justice must return and she must dispense that which is just upon that which is of the Light and that which is of the Darkness, upon the just and the unjust.  So let the Light reign!
讓我們知道且讓我們聽到你每日為地上的神聖正義(Divine Justice)吶喊!因為正義女神必定回歸,而她必將那公義的分配給那光明的及黑暗的、公正的及不公正的事物。所以讓光主宰吧!

Unless you return to the exercise of the science of the spoken Word, which kept you in such attunement with God for thousands of years at a time, unless you will remember the call and know that prayer is not enough, that the science of mantra and of decrees and of the Word itself must be your daily offering, you will surely lose your opportunity for the victory in this life.
除非你重拾口說的科學(science of the spoken Word)的練習,那數千年來曾讓你與神如此調諧一致的行為,除非你願意憶起要呼求,並了解光祈禱是不夠的,咒語、聖諭及文字自身的科學必須成為你日常的奉獻,否則你無疑將會失去此生得勝的機會。

May you know that souls depend upon those who know how to reach out in invocation to God.  Souls depend for their very life and breath upon you who have it in your hands and in your hearts and in your minds to do something other than simply stand by and watch the world go by!  So few understand this equation.

May we not have your hearts resounding as one as the pressure of the love of Christ becomes so great that you can do naught else but challenge the evildoer who does molest God’s people in this earth?

Yes, have you not heard how at the Last Supper Christ did appoint his apostles to judge the fallen angels and the tribes of Israel?

Yes, beloved, there must be a line of discrimination that is drawn and that line will take you to the heart of God.

Let God be the judge!  Let you supply the call that the judgment [whatever be the will of God] might reach the earth even when you know not right from wrong. May you know [the value of] your service and know that the call is the means to your victory as you bless all life and in so doing balance karma.

Let us see those who have spunk and spine raise up that Light and know what the strength of the son of God can be when he is whole and wholly in the Light!

May you accept the calling to the priesthood of Melchizedek and to be shepherds and apostles.  May you accept the calling as rescuers of those who know not what they do yet are led astray and will be burdened by that karma, [which they may make in ignorance of the Law].  May you go after those who influence the innocent [in the ways of unrighteousness].

And may you know that in your heart is the writing of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days.  He has written the hour of the day of your return and the moment of your victory and all things [that must be fulfilled] which do lead up to it.
並且願你知曉燃燈古佛(過去佛)聖納庫瑪拉(Sanat Kumara),亙古常在者(Ancient of Days)的書寫就在你心中。祂已經寫下你回歸的時間以及你勝利的時刻以及直到得勝前所有[需要被滿足]的事物。

May your vision increase now as I touch the third eye, as I bestow upon you a ray of this configuration of Taurus and Scorpio.  Let the full moon reflect back to you both the light of the sun and that which you have sent forth, which karma must be swiftly balanced by the violet flame.

I am Gautama.  I reach every heart on earth where there is a flame that does burn and every heart that once had a flame that is no longer there.  I come rekindling, as Jesus does reconnect.  I come, beloved, and I woo as never before souls of Light throughout the earth, for it is a moment in cosmic cycles.

More than this we cannot say.  And though you think you may have heard this before, I tell you, the moment of this hour has greater opportunity than any other you have been given in many lifetimes.  May you take it and be a runner in the race and arrive at the tomb and declare the resurrected Christ and know that your declaration is not for Jesus alone but for yourself and for your children.  Therefore weep not but know that the hour is come when all things are truly possible to you in God, even the initiation of the resurrection.

I am Gautama, servant of the LORD, and I call unto Maitreya and his bodhisattvas for a visitation of the earth out of the Tushita heaven until certain things shall be fulfilled.  Therefore they go; therefore their angels go with them.  And they shall touch millions ere this day is through.

I seal you in the Light of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, of Vairochana, of Akshobhya, of Ratnasambhava–of Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, Vajrasattva.  And I seal you in the open door of the heart, the merciful heart, of Kuan Yin.

May your heart know mercy toward life as never before, for mercy is granted to you this day as never before.

Copyright © 2016 Summit Publications, Inc.  All rights reserved.  For study purposes only. 
